Building DSR Integrations
A DSR Integration is a specific type of integration that is used as part of a DSR workflow to process privacy requests, and can handle any of the following actions: Data mutation and/or Data extraction. These are in short called Delete and/or Copy, respectively.
Creating The Integration
Creating a DSR integration is very similar to creating any other integration, but has a few specific requirements to allow it to be used as part of the DSR workflow.
First, under the Integration Details panel on the left, set the following options:
- Name: Give your integration a meaningful name
- Category: DSR
- Labels: You have to set 2 labels with exact values: _kind:dsr_, _system:<systemId>_
- Description: We recommend using the description field to add details on what this integration does in each flow, as well as describe any limitations or custom logic.
- Icon: You can set an icon for your integration by uploading a PNG file (The only supported format at the moment).

Next, you should create a flow for each action you want to handle. You can handle some of them, or all 3 of them. For each flow you create make sure to use the following settings:
- Name: We recommend using a name that describes the action the integration is doing. Example: Delete, Anonymize, Opt out etc.
- Trigger: This has to be of type "Webhook" and use one of the following components: DSR Copy Trigger / DSR Delete Trigger / DSR Search Trigger.

Now you can start building the integration itself. Note that the last action in each flow has to be one of DSR Copy Response / DSR Delete Response / DSR Search Response / DSR Failure Response.
Coming soon.
Once the integration is ready follow the steps below to deploy and configure it in your workflow:
- Click Save and then Publish.
- If you havent done so before, publish the integration to your marketplace by clicking "Marketplace" from the panel on the left. Make sure to enable "Allow multiple instances".
Note: DSR Integrations are not listed in the marketplace, so it is ok if you cant see it there.
Your integration is now deployed. If you make any changes to the integration and want to make them available, you would need to repeat both steps above.

- Go to Data Inventory -> Data Sources -> and select or add the system this integration belongs to.
- Select your new integration from the list and click "Set up integration" to start the configuration wizard.
- Once the configuration has been completed, you can click "Manage rights" and use it in any of your DSR workflows.
Updated about 2 months ago