Advanced Settings and Customizations

Integrating 3rd party systems

You can use the privacy center's custom code to integrate systems such as: analytics, customer engagement, consent management etc.

Prefill fields

The following query parameters can be used in the privacy center URL to auto-fill some of the form fields:

Query ParameterDescription
firstNameRequestor First name. For example: John
lastNameRequestor Last name. For example: Doe
emailRequestor email address. For example:
countryCodeRequestor Country of residence, in ISO 3166-1 2 digit format, For example, for United States use: US
mobileNumberRequestor International Mobile phone number, only digits. For example +18005550175
stateRequestor State of residence, in ISO 3166-2 2 digit format, For example, for California us: CA
addressRequestor address of residence. This field is not validated and can contain any value. For example: 234 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036
privacyRightIdData subject request type. Valid Values: delete, getcopy, donotmail, righttoedit, donotsell

Example: Using the following privacy center URL:

Will load the privacy center and populate values in the following fields: first name, last name, country, state, selected privacy right.

Setting Custom Fields

Every query parameter in the privacy center URL is stored as a custom field in the request that is created. The custom fields are created with theparam. prefix in their name. For example, using the following privacy center URL:

Will create requests with the following custom fields:

Custom Field NameCustom Field Value

Note: Query parameters with a length of more than 256 characters are ignored, and will not be used for custom fields.