MineOS API uses API Keys to authenticate requests. Each API Key is valid for a single account and a single workspace.
Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, etc.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.
To authenticate requests, include the following HTTP header with each request:
Authorization: Bearer <APIKey>
MineOS has multiple datacenters, each has its own API endpoint. Make sure you target your API calls to the datacenter that is hosting your account. The endpoints are listed in the API docs and OpenAPI spec.
Creating API Keys
Login to your MineOS account, and make sure you are in the workspace for which you want to generate an API key. Follow these steps to create/manage API Keys:
- Click on the company logo in the bottom left corner.
- Click For Developers and select "API Keys"
- This screen lists your existing API Keys. If you don't have any and would like to create one, click “Create a new key”.
The API key is only displayed once
The key will only be shown once, so copy its value and keep it somewhere safe.
If you ever lose it, you must create a new one.
For security reasons, you can create up to 10 API keys, after that you'll need to delete existing ones before you can create new ones.
Updated about 1 month ago